Call us today! 717-639-2552

Emergency temporary care services for you and your families.

It’s a blessing to be able to take care of your parents or loved ones when they need help. But sometimes it can also be overwhelming, especially if they’re facing challenges from various health situations such as dementia or Alzheimer’s. Taking care of them, and at the same time balancing your responsibilities for your own family, your house, or your job may take a toll on you.

When you need a break, our respite care service is only a phone call away. Our respite care seeks to give you time to rest, relax, and decompress. It also gives you time to focus on other things in your life. Cherish the time you have for yourself while we take care of your loved ones.

Our Respite care is flexible. We can help you in just a few hours to a couple of months. Respite care will:

  • Offer relief, downtime, and escape.
  • Prevent the buildup of resentment.
  • Allow you to feel revived and refocused when you return.

We are passionate about providing care services that bring love, inspiration, and happiness into the homes and communities we serve. If you or an aging loved one are interested in our services, please don’t hesitate to call us.